15 October, 1998 --------------- Data type: "b" Magnetometer VM1 and 16-bit A/D acquisition system installed at station. 21 May, 1999 ---------------- Acquisition system hard disk upgraded Version 1.0. 3 September, 1999 ----------------- Polarity test conducted: 04UT 1.Walking from GM north of sensor southwards along GM north-south direction towards sensor and continuing past sensor with north pole of bar magnet pointing forward. 2.Walking from GM east of sensor westwards along GM east-west direction towards sensor and continuing past sensor with north pole of bar magnet pointing forward. 3.Walking from GM NE of sensor towards the GM SW along GM NE-SW direction towards sensor and continuing past sensor with north pole of bar magnet pointing downward. 28 October, 1999 ---------------- Data type: "e" Software upgraded to use separate resolution parameters for each magnetometer component and all resolution parameters were changed to use the values in the calibration file VM1.dat. (RAM - 9/11/99) 28 August, 2000 ---------------- Data type: "e" Current magnetometer enclosure was dry and in good condition with the spirit level of the instrument indicating the instrument was still aligned in the vertical. Recording was stopped and the old cable cut back at the building. The GPS system was correcting the PC clock correctly. Changed hard disk to upgraded version 1.1 and also changed ethernet card. A problem occurred when PC was rebooted. Campbell Thomson suggested changing the BIOS setup to auto-detect hard disk which fixed the problem but then there was a problem with the mouse. Changed back to old hard disk to determine previous mouse driver and then replaced back new hard disk which fixed the problem. Decided to move the whole magnetometer recording system to a spare bench to reduce the noise. Had to change the port connection on the patch panel and use an extension lead for the X10 switch as the X10 didnt work from many of the other power outlets (magnetometer and GPS power supplies still need to be put on UPS). The new magnetometer signal cable was wired into the junction box. The system was tested for GPS timing which wasnt working. After changing the configuration settings from a TCR-500 to TCR-200B card the timing adjustment worked correctly. The bayonet connector was fitted to the enclosure end of the cable and the magnetometer was connected and placed in the enclosure and the voltages checked back at the recording system. The measured voltages were all sensible. The magnetometer was then buried slowly, keeping it vertical and aligning the x-axis roughly along magnetic north using a compass. Once the magnetometer had been mostly covered, the magnetometer aligned by nulling out the voltage of the D-component to zero volts. The instrument was aligned to give a measurement within a few mV's of zero and then covered completely and the lid placed on. Data from the instrument looked sensible and less noisy than using the previous enclosure and recording system location. John Webster is going to seal the enclosure with silastic and insert a couple of brass screws to secure the lid. (RAM - 13/9/00) 12 February, 2001 ----------------- John Webster placed the power board with the GPS transformer and variometer power supply on the UPS. (RAM) 15 May, 2001 ----------------- H-component signal has railed at 10 volts. Not fixed. (RAM) 19 June, 2001 ----------------- H-componet signal input to A/D was terminated. Still not fixed. (RAM) 26 March, 2002 ----------------- Replaced magnetometer VM1 with VM4 as the H-component needed fixing. The magnetometer pit was muddy which was mostly likely due to the pit not being properly sealed with silastic. The magnetometer VM1 was removed and showed signs of blistered and burnt paint. The new magnetometer was installed and aligned using the D and Z components as no spirit level had been attached for vertical alignment. Data from AGSO's Charters Towers observatory for 25/3/02 at approximately 10UT was averaged. The Z-comp was approximately -37798.5nT which was equivalent to a reading of -5.39978 volts on VM4 or -2.69989 volts when the voltage divider was used (2:1 voltage divider). The D-component was aligned to give a reading of -0.002V which was to account for the slight offset from zero due to the diurnal variation for the time of day (geomagnetic activity had been reasonably quiet). Recording was started approximately 7UT. (RAM - 2/5/02) 12 April, 2002 ----------------- Updated "stn.dat" with new calibration values for VM4 and processed data for 00UT onwards. Data from 26/5/02 - 11/5/02 (inclusive) needs reprocessing with the correct calibration value for VM4. (RAM - 2/5/02) 6 March, 2003 ----------------- Magnetometer reset approx. 23UT. (RAM ) 2 August, 2004 ----------------- Magnetometer PC reset approx. 0605UT as GPS timing synchronization not working. (RAM ) 19 November, 2004. ----------------- Magnetometer PC reset approx. 0012UT as GPS timing synchronization not working. (RAM ) 22 November, 2005 (RAM) ------------------------- Modified output data file format string in stn.dat file at approximately 0310UT. Sensor reset at 0324UT. 19 December, 2005 (RAM) -------------------------- MAG PC turned off approx 0115UT. ---------------------------- Restarted MAG PC at approx 07UT on 17th Feb. RAM --------------------------- File stn.dat modified approx 0130UT on 14/1/07. RAM --------------------------------------------- 17 January, 2007 (RAM) Installed IPSMAG v2.3 system: MAG03-MSES#447 MAG-TBL#213513-001-2 (K0010040) MAG-PSU#872 MAG-PC (K0007470) Data type: I Logging started approximately 0525UT. NOTE: Data very noisy due to interference problem with Ionosonde. ------------------------------------------------ Logging switched off approx 08UT on 30/3/07. John Webster to move MAG PC during the weekend. RAM -------------------------------------------------------------- 2 April, 2007 Movement of MAG PC postponed. MAG off-line while investigations into noise continue. RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAG PC moved to MAGDAS bench on 3/4/07. Further configuration mods and testing 3-4/4/07 trying to identify noise problems. RAM ------------------------------------------------------------ 5 April, 2007 Further testing of MAG PC configuration to resolve noise problems during 5/4/07. RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 April, 2007 MAG PC logging stopped approx 0810UT while investigations into noise continue. RAM ---------------------------------------------------------------- Further testing of MAG system to investigate noise problem 10-11/4/07. RAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 April, 2007 Further testing investigating noise 12/4/07. Requested contractor to return MAG PC to Sydney for bench testing. RAM ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 April, 2007 Time checking software running on COMMS box was commented out of crontab file at approx 0202UT on 16/4/07 as MAG PC has been removed for return to Sydney. RAM ---------------------------------------------------------- 27-29 August, 2011 (RAM) System has been OFFLINE for at least 12 months. Mike Hyde constructed new enclosure and installed new MAG03 sensor, turntable, and MAG03-PSU. Re-Installed new IPSMAG v2.3 system: MAG03-MSES#??? (K0011055) MAG-TBL#??????-???-? (K0010055) MAG-PSU#872 MAG-PC (K0110005) Data type: I Logging started approximately 22UT on 27 August, with many adjustments over following few days. ------------------------------------------------ 13 Oct, 2011 (RAM) Noise due to interference from heavy machinery. ------------------------------------------------- 18-19 Oct 2011 (RM) Alignment adjustments. -------------------------------------------------------------- Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Fri May 10 07:28:49 UTC 2013 Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Mon May 13 01:40:33 UTC 2013 Updated z-offsets on Mon May 13 01:41:43 UTC 2013 Entry added on Mon May 13 06:38:13 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:40:15 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:43:38 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Jun 26 08:22:39 UTC 2013 Mofifications to software giving baseline shift from 00UT on 26/6/2013 _________________________________________ Entry added on Fri Jun 28 06:17:54 UTC 2013 Software updates created offset changes 00UT _________________________________________ Entry added on Tue Aug 30 04:30:34 UTC 2016 Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Jun 23 01:15:00 UTC 2021 Environmental noise in data since 2021-02-13. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Sep 2023 (JY) Upgraded to the MDAS Acquisition System and the sensor replaced. System: MDAS v1.0 Sensor: Bartington Mag03 Data Acquisition System: MDAS v1.0 Logging software: BECA v1.0 Operator: Bureau of Meteorology Station: Townsville Station Code: TVL IUWDS Station Code: 85201 Sensor Orientation: HDZ Data type identifier: K Coordinates: -19.63309444, 146.85802222, 61 m ASL Sampling Frequency: 5 Hz Sampling frequency changed to 5 Hz from 1 Hz. Identifier letter changed to K. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Sep 2023 (JY) Data flow started. Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. Data File Header ---------------- System: MDASv1.0 Sensor: Bartington Mag03 Data Acquisition System: MDASv1.0 Software: BECA_1.0 Source of Data: Bureau of Meteorology Station: Townsville Station Code: TVL IUWDS Station Code: IUWDS code Coordinates: [-19.63309444 146.85802222 61] GPS Fix: True Sensor Orientation: HDZ Number of Channel: 4 Voltage Offset: [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.465700] Scaling Factor: [7000.000000 nT/V, 7000.000000 nT/V, 7000.000000 nT/V, 69.930000 degC/V] Descriptors: Date Time H_nT D_nt Z_nT Temp_degC Additional Information: Temp is measured at the sensor. Sensor range +/- 70,000nT, 7000nT/Volt. Scaling factor and voltage offset have already been applied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03 Apr 2024 (JY) The time server running the MDAS at Townsville is having issues obtaining lock on GNSS satellites. As of 2024-03-08, the time source started reporting a lower order lock status "2D" (a lock on 5 satellites instead of 8 or more) with periods of "No Lock". As of 2024-03-15, the time server is reporting "No Lock". With lower order lock status, the timeserver is still providing accurate time. But with no lock on the satellites, the time server defaults back to its holdover function, which has a drift of +/- 1 ms over a period of 20 days. Space Weather Networks is looking into resolving the time server issue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Apr 2024 (JY) The data feed for the Townsville MDAS magnetometer was stopped on UT day 23 Apr 2024 due to ongoing issues with the time server caused by GPS failure. Plans are underway to replace the GPS unit. RTS planned for mid May. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 May 2024 (JY) The GPS unit for the Townsville MDAS magnetometer was upgraded on UT day 14 May 2024. The data feed was restarted, with continuous data starting at 2024-05-14 02:22:07.20 UTC.